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  • 2024年07月08日
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一、项目简介 费斯托气动有限公司因产品业务需求,计划在厂区南侧现有B*车间内**电子生产车间。规划生产规模是 *条SMT线体和配套前后工序,主要制程是SMT 电子元件表面贴装---选择焊/手工焊—测试—模块总装。 项目分两期建设,一期拟建设车间面积****㎡,放置第*条SMT线体和配套前后工序,二期车间往南扩充到****㎡,总体规划放置*套SMT线体。一期计划建设起止时间预计为****年**月至****年*月,具体地址为***高新区春暄**段****号。 I. Project description Festo Production Ltd. plans to build a new electronic production workshop in the existing B* workshop on the south side of the factory due to the demand of product business. The planned production scale is * SMT lines and supporting front and rear processes, the main process is SMT electronic components surface mounting - - selective soldering / hand soldering - testing - module assembly. The project is divided into two phases of construction, the first phase of the proposed construction of the workshop area of **** square meters, placing the first SMT line body and supporting before and after the process, the second phase of the workshop to the south to expand to **** square meters, the whole plan to place * sets of SMT line body[HR*][WD*]. The construction of the first phase is expected to start and end from October **** to February ****, with a specific address of No. ****, Chunxuan Road North, Hi-Tech Zone, Jinan City. 二、工程/合同涵盖范围 一期工程图纸范围内所有的工程施工(包含建筑工程、强弱电、**、消防、暖通空调、给排水、拆除清理及恢复等工程),内容包含(但不限于)对承包工程的质量、安全、工期、造价全面负责,负责协调周边关系、配合项目手续办理及项目验收、移交、缺陷责任等所有内容。 所有甲乙双方内部沟通的资料及签署的与工程相关的文件均需中英文对照。 II. Scope of works/contracts coverage Construction of all works within the scope of the drawings of Phase I (including building works, strong and weak electricity, power, fire protection, HVAC, water supply and drainage, demolition, cleaning and restoration, etc.), including (but not limited to) full responsibility for the quality, safety, schedule and cost of the contracted works, responsible for coordinating the surrounding relationship, cooperating with the project formalities, and the acceptance of the project, handover, and defects liability, etc. [HR*][WD*]All the works shall be carried out in English and Chinese. All internal communications between the contracting parties and signed documents related to the project shall be in English and Chinese. 三、服务要求 费斯托找寻的是:可靠的**伙伴,无论何时都保护用户的利益,除了法律法规约定,还要根据合同条约或者其他单独形成的标准切实地控制材料进场、施工质量等。遵守中国法律法规以及费斯托内部的安保标准,签订EHS协议;基于丰富的经验和知识,同现场相关方一起为用户提供经济可行的解决方案,能协调监督部门及项目周边的各种关系,确保现场施工能合法合规顺利进行并交付使用。 III. Service requirements Festo is looking for: a reliable partner who always protects the interests of the customer and controls the quality of the engineering design in accordance with contractual agreements or other individually established standards, in addition to legal and regulatory agreements. Compliance with Chinese laws and regulations, as well as Festo's internal security standards and EHS agreements; experience and knowledge in providing economically viable solutions together with on-site stakeholders; and the ability to coordinate with industry approvals to ensure that projects are delivered legally and legally compliant. 四、供应商条件和能力要求 施工资质:具备建筑工程施工总承包二级及以上资质,同时具有机电工程施工总承包二级及以上资质,具备有效的安全生产许可证; 人员要求:拟派施工负责人应具备建筑工程专业或机电工程专业二级注册建造师执业资格,具备有效的安全生产考核合格证书(B类),且未担任其他在建、中标、预中标等建设项目的项目经理,并在以往的类似工程项目中没有发生过重大质量安全事故且未列入建设工程项目管理黑名单。 供应商能力:有外企经验和本地类似业绩(电子件生产车间或**万级洁净车间施工相关)尤佳,熟悉**相关行业建管监督及验收流程,信誉及财务状况良好。 IV. Vendor conditions and competency requirements Construction qualification: possessing the qualification of Grade II and above of the general contracting of construction engineering, and at the same time possessing the qualification of Grade II and above of the general contracting of electromechanical engineering, and possessing a valid safety production license; Personnel requirements: the proposed construction manager should have the qualification of second-level registered construction engineer specialized in construction engineering or electromechanical engineering, with a valid certificate of safety production assessment (Class B), and has not served as the project manager of other construction projects under construction, winning, pre-successful and other construction projects, and has not had any major quality and safety accidents in previous similar projects and has not been included in the blacklist of the management of construction engineering projects. Supplier capabilities: experience in foreign companies and similar local performance (electronic parts production workshop or ***,*** clean room grade construction related) is preferred, familiar with the construction and management supervision and acceptance process of the relevant industries in Jinan, good reputation and financial status. 有意向的单位请于****年**月**日至 ****年**月**日前把贵司的营业执照,公司介绍及相关资质文档,联系方式等资料邮件至联系邮箱. Interested parties please send your company's business license, company profile and related qualification documents, contact information, etc. by email to the contact email address during the period from **th.Jul.**** to **st.Jul.****. 公司地址: 费斯托气动有限公司**省***高新区春暄**段****号 联系电话: *** **** **** 联系邮箱: *********** (邮件大小请勿超过**兆) Address: Festo Production Co., Ltd. **** Chunxuan Road North, Gaoxin District, Jinan City,Shandong Province, P.R. China Phone: *** **** **** Contact e-mail: *********** (Please do not exceed ** megabytes) 费斯托气动有限公司SMT建设项目组 East project team of Festo Production Ltd 二〇二四年七月八日 July *th, ****