**中远海运重工科技有限公司就CG-******-***-**紫外年度协议订单在交易中心进行招标采购 ,现公开邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。
Bidding request note template:
This quotation is serious and subject to the Contract Law;
The supplier shall fill in the valid quotation as required within the quotation deadline, and the unit that does not reply or respond without the request shall be deemed to automatically waive the quotation;
Units that have not been punctual or have no quotation will be suspended for * months, except for those who are allowed to reply without resource quotation;
The quotation shall be calculated according to the content requirements of the procurement project and reported the calculation price or the overweight price. The quotation shall be indicated with other necessary information in the remarks. Quotations which are not reported according to the requirements will not be invalid;
Please quote according to the scope of the national standard products or the technical agreement signed by both parties, and provide the relevant warranty, classification society certificate, special industry certificate, etc. according to the agreement;
If the supplied equipment requires commissioning service, please indicate the free service time; if the commissioning service is charged separately, please indicate or upload the daily salary rate list;
All quotations are not included in the tax price, and a **% VAT special invoice is required.
The necessary data and technical data related to the bid need to be uploaded at the time of quotation (see inquiry form for details);
The quotation is valid for no less than * months.
五、报名截止时间:****-**-** **:**,投标截止及开标时间:****-**-** **:**,投标人应于投标截止时间前在电子交易平台成功递交所有电子投标文件。
七、有意者可与黄琛联系,业务联系电话:电话:****-******* 手机:*********** 邮箱:huang.*********** 。
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