首页 > > 其他公告 > TenderNoticeforCementProcurementforChinaHarborSamoaProject(中国港湾萨摩亚项目水泥采购招标公告)


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  • 2024年08月29日
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项目编号:FA*********** 公告 公告标题: Tender Notice for Cement Procurement for China Harbor Samoa Project(中国港湾萨摩亚项目水泥采购招标公告) 公告内容: Tender Notice for Cement Procurement for China Harbor Samoa Project 中国港湾萨摩亚项目水泥采购招标公告 *.Conditions for solicitation of tenders The bidder of this tender project is China Harbor Engineering Company Limited for the China Harbor Upgrading Project of Apia Port in South Pacific Samoa (project name). The project has the bidding conditions, now open tender for the procurement of cement (material name). *. 招标条件 本招标项目南**洋萨摩亚阿皮亚港中国港升级改造工程(项目名称)的招标人为中国港湾工程有限责任公司。项目已具备招标条件,现对水泥(物资名称)采购进行公开招标。 *.Overview of the project and scope of the tender (*) Removal of *t and **t torsion blocks from the existing breakwater, removal of existing breakwater stone, supply and replacement of core material, and raising the top elevation of the new breakwater from *.*m to *.*m. Prefabrication of new Xblock breakwater precast blocks, volume **m&sup*;, weight about **t. (*) Newly constructed or re-installed beacons. (*) New jetty heavy duty pavement and refurbishment of existing pavement; (*) Rainwater harvesting system, electrical system upgrade; (*) New reefer outlet with **m floodlighting, repair of fuel lines and wires including prefabricated manhole covers; (*) Replacement of some existing dock panels, small fencing; (*) Design and construction of equipment repair shop; (*) Demolition and reconstruction of Shed * including new rainwater harvesting system etc. and demolition of existing customs building; (*) Design and construction of scanner room, design and construction of inspection shed; *.项目概况和招标范围 (*) 拆除现有防波堤上的 *t 和 **t 扭转块,清除现有防波堤石料,供应和更换芯材,并将新防波堤顶标高从 *.*m 提高到 *.*m。预制新的 Xblock 防波堤预制块,体积为 **m&sup*;,重量约为 **t。 (*) **或重**装航标。 (*) **防波堤重型路面,翻新现有路面; (*) 雨水收集系统、电气系统升级; (*) **带 ** 米泛光照明的冷藏箱出口,修复燃油管道和电线,包括预制井盖; (*) 更换一些现有的码头面板、小型围栏; (*) 设计和建造设备维修车间; (*) 拆除和重建 * 号仓库,包括**雨水收集系统等,并拆除现有海关大楼; (*) 设计和建造扫描仪室,设计和建造检查棚; *.Bidder qualification requirements *.* The tender requires the bidders to have the qualification of cement production or sales, and have the corresponding supply capacity with this tender. *.* This tender does not accept (accept or not accept) consortium bidding. *.投标人资格要求 *.* 本次招标要求投标人须具备水泥生产或销售资质,并具备与本次招标相应的供货能力。 *.* 本次招标不接受(接受或不接受)联合体投标。 *.Obtaining Bidding Documents *.* Anyone who is interested in participating in the bidding, please log on to CCCC's Supply Chain Management Information System at http://ec.ccccltd.cn from **:** on August **, **** to **:** on September **, **** (Beijing time, the same below). *.* The bidding documents are priced at USD * per set. *.*.* Suppliers and superior suppliers who are already on the net and have passed the bidder's tier suppliers or have added the bidder as a cooperative unit can directly register and participate. *.*.* In the network level unit suppliers have not increased the bidder as a cooperative unit need to apply for cooperation intention through the registration to participate. *.*.* Units that have not registered in the supply chain system are required to register, recommend the unit or unit of cooperation intention to select the bidder, and only after passing the audit can they enroll and participate. *.招标文件的获取 *.* 凡有意参加投标者,请于****年**月**日*时至****年**月**日**时(**时间,下同),登录中交集团供应链管理信息系统http://ec.ccccltd.cn完成投标报名并下载电子招标文件。 *.* 招标文件每套售价*美元。 *.*.* 已在网并且已通过招标人层级供应商或已增加招标人为**单位的供应商、上级供应商可直接报名参与。 *.*.* 在网平级单位供应商未增加招标人为**单位需进行**意向申请通过后报名参与。 *.*.* 未注册供应链系统的单位需进行注册,推荐单位或**意向单位选择招标人,审核通过后方可报名参与。 *. Presentation of Bidding Documents *.* The deadline for submission of bidding documents (bidding deadline, the same below) is **:** on September **, ****, and the bidders shall submit the electronic bidding documents through the supply chain management information system of CCCC Group before the deadline. *.* The supply chain management information system of CCCC Group will reject the bidding documents delivered late. *.* The supplier's offer document for e-procurement consists of the electronic offer form and attachments together. When there is a conflict between the contents of the electronic quotation form and the attachments, the data in the electronic quotation form shall prevail. *. 投标文件的递交 *.* 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为****年**月**日** 时**分,投标人应在截止时间前通过中交集团供应链管理信息系统递交电子投标文件。 *.* 逾期送达的投标文件,中交集团供应链管理信息系统将予以拒收。 *.* 电子采购的供应商报价文件由电子报价表及附件共同组成。当电子报价表与附件内容冲突时,应以电子报价表的数据为准。 联系信息: *.Contact Information Bidder China Harbor Engineering Co. Address Apia, Samoa Contact Person: Feng Xinhai Cell phone number: *********** Email: *********** *.联系方式 投标人:中国港湾工程有限责任公司 地址:萨摩亚,阿皮亚 联系人:冯新海 手机号:*********** 电子邮件:*********** ****年**月**日 附件列表 序号 附件名称 附件说明 操作 暂无数据 物资信息 序号 设备物资名称 设备物资说明 数量 单位 * 中抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥 P·MSR **.* 散装 符合澳新标准 ***** 吨 报价网址:https://sp.iccec.cn/viewNoticeDetailschemeId=*******************&schemeCode=FA***********&schemeName=Tender Notice for Cement Procurement for China Harbor Samoa Project(中国港湾萨摩亚项目水泥采购招标公告)&ampnoticeId=*******************&opUnitName=萨摩亚阿皮亚港升级项目经理部&opUnitId=******&purchaseType=*&schemeStatus=*&checkFlag=&supCode=&supName=

