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  • 2024年05月22日
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******纸厂片区中轴核心区概念性方案设计国际征集 资格预审公告 Prequalification Announcement of International Solicitation for Conceptual Scheme for Central Axis Core Area of the Paper Mill Area in Cuiping District, Yibin City **建投集团量典置地有限公司(下称“征集人”)与**********(下称“征集代理”),就******纸厂片区中轴核心区概念性方案设计组织全球征集活动,拟面向全球公开邀请具有相关设计经验的申请人前来应征。本次征集将通过公开资格预审的方式择优选择*位应征人参加征集,欢迎符合资格条件的申请人提交资格预审《申请文件》。 Yibin Construction Investment Land (Solicitor) and Shanghai International Tendering Co. Ltd. (Solicitation Agency & SITC) are now internationally soliciting Conceptual Scheme for Central Axis Core Area of the Paper Mill Area in Cuiping District, Yibin City. In this solicitation, four Shortlisted Applicants will be selected through public prequalification process. We publicly invite Applicants worldwide with relevant design experience to participate and submit the Application Documents for Prequalification. 项目概况Brief Introduction of the Project 项目背景 Project Backround ******旧州组团纸厂片区,位于城*功能核心区旧州-岷江新区组团**,南临岷江,东接流杯池公园,西壤五粮液生态园区,隔江与***对望。按照新时期对片区发展建设的新要求,着力把纸厂片区从功能相对单一的居住生活区提升为“生产、生活、生态”多功能叠加的综合化**,解决区域商住服务需求,改善旧州组团对外城*形象,致力打造为旧州组团的**展示区域。 The Jiuzhou cluster Paper Mill area in Cuiping District, Yibin City is located in the southern part of the Jiuzhou - Minjiang New Area cluster in the urban functional core area. It borders the Minjiang River to the south, Liubeichi Park to the east, Wuliangye Ecological Park to the west, and faces Cuiping Mountain across the river. In accordance with the new requirements for the development and construction of the Paper Mill area in the new era, efforts are being made to upgrade the Paper Mill area from a relatively single functional residential and living area to a comprehensive urban area with multiple functions of "production, life, ecology", to meet the needs of regional commercial and residential services, improve the external cityimage of the Jiuzhou cluster, and dedicated to creating a riverside display area for the Jiuzhou cluster. 旧州组团城*区位示意图 City Location Diagram of the Jiuzhou cluster 纸厂片区城*区位示意图 City Location Diagram of the Yibin Paper Mill area 设计愿景 Design Vision 结合历史人文底蕴,打造城*文旅新名片。 Combining historical and cultural heritage to create a new business card for cityculture and tourism. 延续城*历史文脉,依托滨水环境,以酒文化、茶文化、竹文化、长江文化及工业文化为特色,集生态社区、休闲旅游、商业服务、商务办公等功能于一体,构建“商业+文旅”的优质复合场景,丰富品牌活动和业态布局,提升游客体验感,打造成渝及周边地区游客假日游、周末游的网红打卡地。助力提升**城*旅游整体实力和竞争力,实现文化和旅游高质量发展。 Continuing the historical context of the city, relying on the waterfront environment, featuring wine culture, tea culture, bamboo culture, Yangtze River culture, and industrial culture, integrating functions such as ecological community, leisure tourism, commercial services, and business office, we aim to build a high-quality composite scene of "business+cultural tourism", enrich brand activities and business layout, enhance tourist experience, and create a popular check-in spot for tourists in Chengdu, Chongqing and surrounding areas for holiday and weekend tours. Assist in enhancing the overall strength and competitiveness of tourism in Yibin city, and achieve high-quality development of culture and tourism. 利用地理区位优势,拓展城*版图。 Utilizinggeographical location advantages toexpand urban map. 坚持“北延中优、跨**拓、拥江发展”理念,提升片区门户形象和空间品质,建设宜居宜业的生活片区,拓展城*发展空间,重塑城*地理版图,优化功能布局,推进区域整体成势、片区一体开发和场景立体营造。 Adhering to the concept of "optimizing the north and middle,, embracing theriver to develop", enhancing the image and spatial quality of the regional gateway, building a livable and business friendly living area. Reshaping the urban geographical map, optimizing functional layout, promoting overall regional development, integrated development of each area, and three-dimensional scene creation. 依托产业基础,打造配套设施完善的新聚落。 Relying on the industrial foundation to create new settlements with complete supporting facilities. 以“宜美家园、共同创造”为愿景,匹配片区发展战略,完善配套设施,提升用地功能,改善外部环境,全面提升区域品质,建设****心**宜居新高地。 With the vision of "beautifying homes and creating together", matching the development strategy of the area, improving supporting facilities, enhancing land use functions, improving the external environment, comprehensively enhancing regional quality and building a livable new highland in the central urban area of Yibin. 彰显生态底色,提升城*品质内涵。 Highlight the ecological background and enhance the connotation of city quality. 结合自然生态景观和人文景观,合理连通周边山水、绿地公园,形成连续的游憩开敞活动空间,提升城*品质内涵,彰显绿色本底和城*特色,突出塑造“景城相融、主客共享、近悦远来”的城*形象。 Combining natural ecological and cultural landscapes, reasonably connecting surrounding mountains and waters, green parks, forming continuous recreational and open activity spaces, enhancing the connotation of cityquality, highlighting green background and city characteristics, and highlighting the shaping of the city image of "integration of scenery and city, sharing of hosts and guests, and joyful from afar ". 征集范围和深度Project Scope 征集阶段设计内容 Design content ofthe solicitation stage 完成******旧州组团纸厂片区A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**地块的概念性方案设计,周边绿地A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**地块需提出合理的景观建议方案,应征人需按照征集人要求完成两套概念性方案(区别为部分地块的布局调整,具体要求详见设计任务书)。 Complete the conceptual design of plots A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-** and A-**-** in the Jiuzhou clusterPaper Mill area of Cuiping District, Yibin City. Reasonable landscape scheme should be proposed for the surrounding green spaces on plots A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, and A-**-**. The Shortlisted Applicant is required to complete two sets of conceptual schemes according to the requirements of the Solicitor (The difference lies in the layout adjustment of some plots, and specific requirements will be detailed in the Design Brief). 深化设计阶段设计内容 Design content ofthe deepening design stage 完善A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**地块(约***.**亩)的概念性方案设计(具体要求详见设计任务书)。 Improve the conceptual scheme of plots A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-** and A-**-** (approximately ***.** acres) (specific requirements will be detailed in the Design Brief). 完善A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**、A-**-**地块(约***.**亩)概念性方案设计,并开展建筑方案设计及外立面扩初设计,配合征集人通过规划管理部门的方案审批,配合施工图设计及现场打样等(具体要求详见设计任务书)。 Improve the conceptual scheme of plots A-**-**, A-**-**, A-**-** and A-**-** (approximately ***.** acres), and carry out architectural schematicdesign and facade design development. Cooperate with the Solicitor to obtain approval from the planning management department, and cooperate with construction drawing and on-site sampling (specific requirements will be detailed in the Design Brief). 合格申请人资格条件Requirements of Eligible Applicants 独立法人资格 Independent legal personality 申请人须具有独立承担民事责任的能力,不接受自然人参与应征。 An Applicant must have the ability to bear civil liability independently,and the participation of natural person is not accepted. 资质要求 Qualification requirements 申请人为境内机构的,须具备建筑行业建筑工程专业设计甲级(或以上)资质。 If the Applicant is a domestic institution, it must have Class A (or above) qualification for professional design of Construction Engineering in the Construction Industry. 申请人为境外机构的,须在其所在国家或地区合法注册,具有相应设计或设计咨询能力,且须与符合上述第(*)条资质要求的境内机构组成联合体参与应征。港、澳、台机构和境外机构在境内成立的子公司按此条要求执行。境外机构在境内成立的子公司须提供其与境外机构的关系证明。 If the Applicant is an overseas institution, it must be legally registered in the country or region where it is located and have the corresponding ability of design or design consulting, and must form a Consortium with domestic institution with the qualification mentioned in Article (*) above. Applicants from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan andoverseas institution’s subsidiary registered in China shall comply with the requirement of thisarticle. In addition, the supporting material to prove the subsidiary’s relationship with the overseas institution is required. 本次方案征集允许联合体参与且须满足以下要求: The Consortium is accepted in this Project and the following requirements must be met: 联合体成员不超过*家。 The number of members of the Consortium shall not exceed two. 联合体各成员必须签署联合体协议书,并在协议书中明确联合体的牵头人与各自职责。 Each member of the Consortium must sign a consortium agreement and the leader member and division of responsibilities mustbe clearly defined in the agreement. 境外机构必须与具备建筑行业建筑工程专业设计甲级(或以上)资质的境内机构组成联合体参与方案征集,且联合体牵头人的注册地必须在中国境内。 Overseas institution must form a Consortium with domestic institution with Class A (or above) qualification for professional design of Construction Engineering in the Construction Industry to participate in thisProject, and the registration location of the consortium leader must be within China. 联合体的组成以提交的资格预审《申请文件》为准,联合体各方不得再以自己名义单独参与本次征集活动,也不得同时加入本次征集活动的其他联合体,否则相关《申请文件》均被否决。 The composition of the Consortium shall be based on the Application Document submitted. Each member to the Consortium shall not participate in this Solicitation alone in their own name, nor shall they join other Consortia participating in this Solicitation at the same time. Otherwise, the relevant Application Document shall be rejected. 联合体内的所有成员均须满足本次方案征集对申请人的资质要求,若联合体成员之一不能满足资质要求,作无效处理。 Eandmember of the Consortium must meet the qualification requirements for the Applicant in this Project. If one of the consortium members cannot meet the qualification requirements, it will be considered invalid. 项目负责人及主创设计师要求 Requirements for project leader and chief designer 项目负责人须具有中华人民**国一级注册建筑师或注册城乡规划师资格,或所在地区政府或行业权威部门协会等颁发的类似资格证书。主创设计师可指定*-*位(含项目负责人),主创设计师近*年内须具有住宅、商业项目设计经验,具有创新设计理念,且须直接参与征集全过程,以及参与征集人要求的重要节点会议(包括但不限于项目启动会、现场踏勘、中期汇报、成果汇报和评审答疑等)。如在征集过程中发现主创设计师与资格预审《申请文件》不符,征集人有权取消其入围和中选资格,并可根据相关规定追究其责任。 The project leader must have a first-class registered architect or registered urban and rural planner qualification in the People's Republic of China, or a similar qualification certificate issued by the local government or industry authoritative department or association. The chief designer(s) can designate *-* people (including project leader). The chief designer must have design experience in residential and commercial project within the past * years, possess innovative design concepts, and directly participate in the entire solicitation process, as well as important milestone meetings required by the Solicitor (including but not limited to kickoff meeting, site visit, mid-term report, the presentation of theDeliverables and review Q&A.). If it is found during the Solicitation process that the chief designer does not match the Prequalification Application Document, the Solicitor has the right to cancel its qualification for shortlisting and selection, and may hold itsaccountable according to relevant regulations. 业绩要求 Performance requirements 申请人或联合体成员之一近*年内须具有*个及以上用地规模不小于***亩的片区城*规划、城*设计或建筑设计类项目业绩。 An Applicant or one member of the Consortium must have completed one or more urban planning, urban design, or architectural design projects with a land scale of no less than *** acres within the past * years. 参选方式Ways to Participation 《资格预审文件》的获取Acquisition of Prequalification Document 凡有意参加本次方案征集活动的潜在申请人,请于****年*月**日**:**时至****年*月**日**:**时(**时间,下同),在**********网站(www.shabidding.com,下同)在线领取《资格预审文件》。 All potential Applicants who are interested in participating in this Project can download the Prequalification Document through SITC Website (www.shabidding.com) from **:** May**nd, **** to **:** May**th, **** (Beijing Time, same hereinafter). 申请人首次使用**********网站需完成注册程序。已注册的申请人可使用已获取的供应商登录名和密码登录并从网站采购公告栏的相应公告中进入,点击右上角“领购”按钮下载《资格预审文件》。 Applicants who have never used SITC Website before shall finish the registration process first. Registered Applicants can download the Prequalification Document by clicking the “purchase” button in the corresponding announcement webpage on the purchase bulletin board of SITC Website after logging in. 征集代理不接受没有在**********网站上注册和没有《资格预审文件》下载记录的申请人提交的《申请文件》。 SITC willnot accept the Application Documents submitted by the Applicants who have not registered on SITC Website or who have no download records of the Prequalification Document on SITC Website. 申请人可以单独或代表联合体领取资格预审文件。申请人成功领取《资格预审文件》并不意味着其资格条件符合要求。 Applicants can download the Prequalification document individually or on behalf of a consortium. An Applicant's successful acquisition of the Prequalification Document does not mean that it is eligible for this Project. 资格预审《申请文件》的提交 Submission of Application Document 资格预审《申请文件》同时以电子文件和纸质文件的形式提交。提交截止时间为****年*月**日**:**时,提交的时间以电子文件上传成功的时间为准。除了在截止时间前成功上传的《申请文件》外,未在截止时间前上传或以其他形式提交的《申请文件》一律不被受理。 The Application Document shall be submitted in Electronic Documents as well as Paper Documents. The submission deadline of Application Document is **:** on May **th, ****. The submission time of every Applicant is subject to the time when its Electronic Documents are successfully submitted. Any late submission or submission in any other form will not be accepted. 电子文件包括全套正本《申请文件》的PDF扫描件和WORD格式文件,以及PPT文件。申请人应在**********网站本项目的领购页面下,点击“投标文件”按钮后上传资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件(以rar或zip形式压缩后上传,请注意无需加密)。 The Electronic Documents shall include thescannedcopy in PDF of the full set of the original Application Document and WORD file, and the required PPT file. Applicants shall submit Electronic Documents by clicking the “tender document” button on this Project’s webpage anduploading via on SITC website. (Please do not encrypt the uploaded compressed file in rar or zip form.) 申请人应同时将纸质文件正本*套以专人送达或邮寄形式递交至******路***号美丽园大厦**楼,收件人:栾奕,电话:***-********。申请人应当确保其提交的资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件和纸质文件内容一致。当资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件与纸质文件内容不一致时,以电子文件为准。 Applicantsshall also submit one hard copy of the original Application Document by hand or by post to the following address: Mr. Luan Yi, Telephone: **-**-********, Address:**F, *** Yan An Road(W), Shanghai. Applicants shall ensure that the contents of their Electronic and Paper Application Document submitted are consistent. In case of any discrepancy between the Electronic document and the Paper Document, the Electronic Document shall prevail. 入围方式Prequalification 征集人将委托征集代理组织资格评审委员会对所有申请人提交的资格预审《申请文件》进行审核,并对所有提交资格预审《申请文件》的申请人进行综合评审与比较,择优选择*名申请人作为正式入围的应征人,申请人是否符合本公告第*条“合格申请人资格条件”由资格预审评审委员会判定。资格预审评审委员会不对未入围原因作任何解释。 The Solicitor will entrust SITC to organize the Prequalification Jury to review all the Application Documentssubmitted by the Applicants. The Prequalification Jury will conduct a comprehensive review of all Applicants and select fourApplicants as Shortlisted Applicants. Whether an Applicant meets the requirements of Article *in this Announcement is determined by the Prequalification Jury. The Prequalification Jury will not provide any explanation for the reasons for not being shortlisted. 如申请人数量正好为*名,资格评审委员会将对申请人的案例业绩、主创设计师的设计资历、设计团队综合实力以及拟服务本项目的人员配置等方面进行是否符合本项目需求的判定。如判定符合本项目的设计要求,*名申请人直接入围;如判定符合要求的申请人不足*名,征集人保留重新组织资格预审的权利。如申请人数量少于*名,征集人同样保留重新组织资格预审的权利。 If there areexactly four Applicants, the Prequalification Jury will determine whether these Applicants meet the requirements of this Project by reviewing their case performance, design qualifications of the chief designer, comprehensive strength and personnel allocation to serve this project of the design teams,etc. If it is determined that all four Applicants have met the requirements, all four applicants will be directly shortlisted; if less than four Applicants are determined to have met the requirements, the Solicitor reserves the right to reorganize the Prequalification. If there are fewer than four Applicants, the Solicitor also reserves the right to reorganize the Prequalification. 方案评审 Scheme Review 方案评审委员会 Scheme Review Committee 应征阶段的方案评审委员会将由建筑、规划等行业内的专家以及征集人代表(如需)组成。方案评审工作由评审委员会承担。 The Scheme Review Committee ofthe solicitation stage shall consist of experts in fields such as architecture,planning, etc. and representatives of the Solicitor (if necessary). The evaluation shall be in charge of the Scheme Review Committee. 确定中选应征人 Final Winner 评审委员会将对所有应征人递交的方案进行评审并明确评审意见。征集人将结合评审委员会意见后,按相关程序确定最终中选方案和中选应征人。 The Scheme Review Committee will appraise and clarify the review comments toall deliverables. After considering the opinions of the Scheme Review Committee, the Solicitor will determine the final winneraccording to relevant procedures. 方案征集费及深化设计费 Scheme Solicitation Fee and Deepening Design Fee 方案征集费 Scheme Solicitation Fee 入围应征人在方案评审会结束,并经方案评审委员会评定其方案符合《设计任务书》要求的,将各获得方案征集费人民币**万元(含税、费)。如经方案评审委员会评定,应征人的方案没有达到《设计任务书》要求的,应由方案评审委员会单独出具书面意见且有半数以上评委签字,具体阐明不符合要求的设计内容以及建议扣费的具体金额。征集人将根据该书面意见对应征人的方案征集费进行扣减。如应征人未按规定时间提交《设计任务书》所要求的征集阶段的全部设计成果文件,征集人将不支付该应征人的方案征集费。 AmongShortlisted Applicants, those whose deliverables of this Project are evaluated to have met the requirements set in the Design Brief by the Scheme Review Committee will receive aScheme Solicitation Fee of RMB***,***.**(including taxes and fees) after the Scheme Review Meeting. If the Scheme Review Committee makes the decision that any Applicant’s deliverables of this Project failed to meet the requirements set in the Design Brief, the Scheme Review Committee shall provide a written opinion with the signature of more than half of the committee to specify the unqualified contents and the specific amount recommended for deduction. The Solicitor will deduct the corresponding Scheme Solicitation Fee based on the written opinion. If the Shortlisted Applicant failed to submit all the Deliverables required for the olicitation stage in the Design Briefwithin the prescribed time, the Solicitor will not pay the Scheme Solicitation Fee to the Shortlisted Applicant. 深化设计合同金额 Contract amount for deepening design 中选应征人将承接本项目概念性方案深化至建筑方案设计工作,合同金额为人民币****万元(含税、费),具体付款节点以合同为准。 The finalwinner will undertake the conceptual scheme deepening of this project to the architectural schematicdesign work, with a contract amount of RMB**,***,***.** (including taxes and fees). The specific payment nodes willbe subject to the contract. 税、费的含义 The meaning of taxes and fees 本次征集活动所涉及的方案征集费、深化设计费均含中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税、费,即包括收集资料,现场踏勘,保险、税费、规费、利润、风险、装订费用、相关服务费等全部内容。 The Scheme Solicitation Fee, Deepening Design Fee involved in this Projectinclude all taxes and fees payable both domestically and internationally in China, including data collection, on-site survey, insurance, taxes, regulatory fees, profits, risks, binding fees, related service fees, etc. 费用支付 Payment of fees 以联合体形式参与方案征集的应征人,方案征集合同和深化设计合同的商务对接由联合体牵头人负责。征集人将支付全部费用给联合体牵头人。在征集过程中及中选后产生的所有费用的分摊方式由联合体各方自行协商。 Shortlisted Applicants who participate in this Project in the form of a Consortium shall be responsible for the business coordination between the scheme solicitation contract and the deepening design contract by the leaderof the Consortium. The Solicitor will pay all fees to the leader of the Consortium. The allocation of all expenses incurred during the solicitation process and after winning the competition shallbe negotiated among the parties of the Consortium. 征集活动时间安排Schedule of Solicitation 本次征集活动的暂定时间安排如下: Provisional schedule of this Project is as follows: 阶段 Stage 日 期 Dates 事 项 Activities 资格 预审 阶段 Prequalification Stage ****年*月**日 May**nd, **** 发布资格预审公告 Release of Prequalification Announcement ****年*月**日**:**时至 ****年*月**日**:**时 **:** May**nd, **** to **:** May**th, **** 潜在申请人获取《资格预审文件》 Access open for potential Applicants to acquire Prequalification Document ****年*月**日**:**时 **:** May**th, **** 资格预审《申请文件》提交截止 Deadline for Submission of Application Document ****年*月*日(暂定) June *th, ****(Provisional) 组织资格预审评审会 Prequalification Review Meeting ****年*月*日至*月*日 (暂定) June *th to June *th, **** (Provisional) 公示资格预审结果公告 Announcement of Prequalification Result 应征 阶段 (暂定) Solicitation Stage (Provisional) ****年*月**日 June **th, **** 组织现场踏勘与项目启动会 Site Visit and Kick-off Meeting ****年*月**日至*月**日 June **th to June **th, **** 书面答疑 Written Q&A ****年*月**日 July **th, **** 中期方案沟通 Interim Exchange ****年*月**日 August**th, **** 方案成果提交 Submission of SchemeDeliverables ****年*月中旬 Mid August, **** 组织方案评审会 Scheme Review Meeting 所有时间均以**时间为准,征集人保留调整日程安排的权利,如出现日程调整的情况,征集代理机构将通过邮件的形式,通知应征人。 All times are based on Beijing time, and the Solicitor reserves the right to adjust the schedule. In case of schedule adjustment, SITC will notify the Shortlisted Applicants by email. 发布公告的媒介Announcement Media 资格预审公告和《资格预审文件》、对资格预审公告和《资格预审文件》的修改或补充(如有)以及资格预审结果公告在以下网站上发布: The Prequalification Announcement, Prequalification Document, any amendment or supplement of them (if any), and theAnnouncement of Prequalification Result are published on the following websites: 中国招标投标公共服务平台(www.cebpubservice.com) **********网站(www.shabidding.com) 另外,本次征集活动有关信息还将在以下平台发布: In addition, the relevant information of this Project will also be released on the following platforms: ***国有企业数字化招采平台(http://tfyg.ybsjtjt.com) **建投集团微信公众号(Yibin Construction Investment Group’s official WeChat account) **建投置地公司微信公众号(Yibin Construction Investment Land’s official WeChat account) **国际招标微信公众号(SITC’s official WeChat account) 知识产权Intellectual Property Rights 申请人提交资格预审《申请文件》即视为接受以下知识产权条款。 Once submitting the Application Document, Applicants shall be deemed to haveaccepted the following terms of the intellectual property rights. 应征人承诺其拥有其提供服务时编制的所有图纸、说明、电子文档和其它相关文件(以下总称“成果文件”)的合法权利和知识产权。 The Shortlisted Applicant shall guarantee that it has the legal rights andintellectual property rightsof all drawings, descriptions, electronic files and other relevant documents (hereinafter referred to as "Deliverables") prepared when it provides services. 本次征集项下的成果文件系专用于本项目,各方均不得超过此范围使用。 The Deliverables prepared by the Shortlisted Applicant are exclusively for thisProject and shall not be used by any party beyond this scope. 所有由应征人编制的成果文件,在征集人向应征人付清本公告第*条定义的方案征集费之后,除署名权等人身权利以外的所有权和著作权归征集人所有,应征人仅享有将该设计成果用于自身宣传、评奖、论文撰写、员工职称评定等的权利。全部有效成果文件在评审后不予退回,征集人有权无偿使用所有成果文件,包括但不限于在评审结束后公开展示成果,并通过传播媒介或其他形式介绍、展示及评价参赛成果,修改、优化成果文件等。 Except for the moral rights such as right of paternity, the ownership and copyright of the Deliverables prepared by the Shortlisted Applicant belongs to the Solicitor upon full payment for the Scheme Solicitation Fee defined in Article * of the Prequalification Announcement. The Shortlisted Applicant only has the right to use the Deliverables for self-promotion, award evaluation, paper writing and employee title evaluation. All valid Deliverables will not be returned after the evaluation. The Solicitorhas the right to use all Deliverables free of charge, including but not limited to publicly displaying the results after the evaluation, introducing, displaying and commentingthe results, modifying and optimizing the Deliverables, etc. through media or other forms. 应征人应保证提交的成果文件在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,如其成果文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部法律责任应由应征人承担。若给征集人造成损失的,应征人应负责赔偿。 The Shortlisted Applicant shall ensure that its Deliverables does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright and patent right) or proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person within or outside China. The Shortlisted Applicant shall guarantee that if its Deliverables uses or contains the intellectual property rights, proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person, the Shortlisted Applicant has obtained the legal, effective and sufficient authorization of the owner. The Shortlisted Applicant shall be liable for all legal responsibilities arising from its infringement of others' intellectual property rights, proprietary technology or trade secrets. If losses are caused to the Shortlisted Applicant, the Shortlisted Applicant shall be responsible for compensation. 在征集过程中征集人提供的设计基础资料(包括设计图纸、设计资料等)的知识产权属征集人及相关设计单位所有。应征人仅可以将上述文件用于应征设计和编制应征设计文件之目的。未经征集人书面许可,应征人不得将上述文件用于其他项目设计或其他目的,也不得将上述文件泄露给任何第三方。 The intellectual property rights of the basic information (including design drawings, design materials, etc.) provided by the Solicitor during the solicitation process belong to the Solicitor. The Shortlisted Applicant can only use the documents aforementioned for the purpose of designing and compiling the proposal. Without written consent from the Solicitor, The Shortlisted Applicant shall not use the documents aforementioned for other consulting design or other purposes, and shall not disclose the documents aforementioned to any third Party. 其他Others 本次征集活动本身及与本次活动相关的文件所适用的法律和法规仅为中华人民**国的法律和法规。 The laws and regulations applicable to this Projectitself and the documents related to this Projectare only those of the People's Republic of China. 资格预审公告使用中文和英文书写。当中、英文两种语言的意思表达不一致时,以中文为准。 The Prequalification Announcement is written bothin Chinese and English. In case of inconsistency between Chinese and English, Chinese shall prevail. 凡参加本次资格预审的申请人均被视为同意并接受《资格预审文件》的全部内容及条款。 All Applicants participating in this prequalification are deemed to agree and accept all the contents and terms of the Prequalification Document. 申请人在资格预审《申请文件》中所列出的主创设计师须亲自开展本项目的设计工作,并进行成果方案汇报。因此,请所列出的主创设计师根据征集活动时间安排提前预留时间、做好汇报准备。 The chief designerlisted in the Application Document must carry out the design work and present theDeliverablesIN PERSON.Therefore, please make wellpreparation forpresentation in advance according to the Schedule of Solicitation. 本次征集活动及相关文件的最终解释权归征集人。 The Solicitor reserves the right of final interpretation of this Project and related documents. 联系方式Contact Information 征集代理:********** Solicitation Agency: Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. 地址:******路***号美丽园大厦**楼 Address: **F, *** Yan An Road (W), Shanghai, China 联系人:栾奕、于方 Contact Person:Mr. Luan Yi / Ms. Yu Fang 电话Telephone:(***)********/ ******** 邮箱Email:***********